PROFESSIONALINTERIORDESIGNER recommends this blog for those of you pondering the influence of BIM;

If you are unaware of BIM and how it is affecting the building design and delivery paradigm including “interior design” you better get with it. From what PROFESSIONALINTERIORDESIGNER sees the engineers and constructors are driving the BIM bus and the architects are in the back seat riding out the bumps. Unfortunately interior designers are still trying to find the bus stop. 

NOTE TO ID STUDENTS: PROFESSIONALINTERIORDESIGNER hopes you can get out there and make sure we are an integral component of the BIM revolution. Well it looks like my lead holder needs a new point-  now where did I put that sharpener?

5 responses to “BIM Sala BIM”

  1. Mike, I completely agree with you on this one. When I lost my job a year ago, I started scanning the job postings and quickly realized that my lack of BIM knowledge (specifically REVIT software) made me uneligible to even qualify for an internship position! Sixteen years in the industry, and I had lost my technological advantage. Needless to say, I quickly ran to the nearest training center and took 3 REVIT courses. The niche I see interior designers could capitalize on is in the development of REVIT families. I see architects, builders, engineers as “big picture” designers, but as an interior designer, I like the detail work which is exactly where families come into play. If designers can work to develop families for these other trades as well as for their own, there will be happiness all around! I may have “missed the bus” on this field of design previously, but I don’t plan on missing it again!


  2. Thanks Maureen I agree there is a large market out there for development of 3-D components and design programs/add-ons that take advantage of the power of REVIT. My hope is that we (Interior Designers) could become integral in determining the form and function building models from the inside out- not just applying finish patterns and importing furniture familes after the fact. Some call me a dreamer-


  3. I took a Revit course at my local community college 3 years ago, so am familiar with how the software works. It is a morph of AutoCad and 2020, in my opinion. I have good familiarity with 2020, as do any designers who work on the dealer side, as they work with Spec type software. I see KI has come out with a number of new “families” just recently, let’s hope all the other big companies do soon also. Most of the schools I have worked for have been on the trail of BIM but not pushing it, as the ID industry has been trailing so far behind. At some point, the industry will make that push to change, just like it did so many years ago with AutoCad. I suspect the class of 2016 will be most proficient with BIM, but still won’t have design thinking skills or know what you are talking about with your lead pointer.


  4. Chris, I so agree. I just read a recent study (can’t remember the source, sorry…) that surveyed designers who primarily used CAD for design, comparing their critical thinking and creative solution skills against another group of designers who still used manual drafting, napkin sketches and hand rendering. Long story short: The “manual” designers had a greater ability to problem-solve, and a higher percentage of billable time than the “tech” designers. Interesting point: Age and length of career had little to no bearing on the results! What this survey found is that if the software couldn’t do what the “tech” designer wanted it to, the idea was almost always abandoned for something else that they knew would work. The “manual” designers were not impeded by the limitations of software, and actually gave the impression of being more knowledgeable and creative in the eyes of thier clients and were then able to “close the deal” in a shorter time frame.

    My own experience hasn’t quite been this black and white, but I do know the more time I spent in front of the computer, the less time I spent in the design library or in front of a customer. If I could produce a napkin sketch in thier office to generate discussion, I was more likely to make a connection with them.

    I think the truth is in the middle; we need to maintain those manual skills (in design and thinking!) and use the technology when it gives us an advantage, or can produce a desired result.

    Mike, I’ll let you borrow my sharpener!


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