“Interior designers may seem to inhabit a genial world of pastel palettes and floral motifs. But right now in this state, their industry is locked in an indecorous pillow fight over who has the right to design.”


An “indecorous pillow fight”?

Wow what a freakin’ mess.

P.S. Okay this one got to me. We have got to find out where the disconnect is here and who is funding this effort to derail our effort to expand our professional opportunitites and consequently the general public’s choices for professional design services. Sure some pushback is natural but come on!

Somebody with ASID and/IIDA needs to follow the money. Who is funding this effort to support the Institute for Justice’s campaign of misinformation cloaked in animous and spite? PROFESSIONALINTERIORDESIGNER knows the NKBA is large and in-charge but to what extent are other so-called allied design peers such as the AIA, the NAHB, and FSCI amongst others funding this campaign.  WHEN WILL WE TAKE THE GLOVES OFF AND START FIGHTING BACK?


  1. Micheal:

    It must be Glen Beck!

    Enough with the conspiracy theories.

    IDAF and Florida created this mess when they over reached and started going after residential designers, and ASID continues to push Title and Practice acts all over the place.

    I guarantee you that the Title Acts will start to get repealed as well and swept away with the other idiotic government regulations that strangle small businesses.


  2. The NKBA is lock step with the AIA on this one. They have the NAHB and the retailers group in their pockets. No one overreached anywhere and went after residential decorators who sell products, but this fight is indicative of the mass hysteria that is sweeping the country regarding many issues, including destroying unions; making the teacher the devil and not the messed up administrators; politicians on the take everywhere; healthcare providers overcharging, oh, the list could go on and on. We all need to get a grip on ourselves, and produce a valid reason why regulations are needed. In our state, the reason ID needs to regulations is because years ago the architects overreached on their business goals, and forced our work to be under their supervision. How else can the commercial interior design firm fight back? All regulation is a reaction to someone else’s regulations. Lets look at the roots of the causes here, not the hysterical nonsense that is happening today.


  3. Hey it’s Sarah Palin Pillowtosser thanks for stopping by and wasting bytes with me. Oh Sarah if life were only as easy as you wish it was. Hey I have a suggestion- if you are so against government’s role in consumer/taxpayer protection why don’t you move your decoration business to Mogadishu- I hear it is an entrepreneurs dream and absolutely no government oversight whatsoever. And besides where would your natural talent and penchant for beautification be more appreciated?

    And what conspiracy theory are you talking about? I am Glen Beck and everything I say is true.


  4. Anonymous said-“Lets look at the roots of the causes here, not the hysterical nonsense that is happening today”



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